If you're looking for the best telegram bot around, you've come to the right place. The Telegram Bot App team is dedicated to providing the best possible experience for users. We're located in different parts of the world and work tirelessly to bring the best telegram bot to you. We believe that our app is the best telegram bot available, and we're sure you won't be disappointed. Our app offers a variety of features, including telegram group management and anti-spam capabilities. We're confident that you'll find our app to be the best telegram bot available, and we hope you'll give us a try. Thanks for choosing Telegram Bot App!

Lukasz Raczylo
London, United Kingdom
Creator of the project
Passionate about any sort of technology, proud ASPIE, focused on making everyone's life easier. At the moment - on top of my daily job which I absolutely love - constantly improving the bot and working on few additional projects.

Jose R Bertorelli
Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela
Community manager & QA
30 year experience System Engineer, love doing support on Latam TSF, long fingers on keyboard for code writing, new ideas come to my mind every sec, learning how to be a bot creator. Happily married forever with Rai (my beautiful wife) and always teaching my 4 wonderful sons. Animal lover. Nickname: BeastByte

Jaroslaw Zabiello
Dublin, Ireland
Frontend consultant
Senior software engineer, individualist, and philosopher, polyglot programmer, enthusiast of new technology, working on many projects with small and huge scale. Always keen to help and assist.

Emir Taha Bilgen
Istanbul, Turkey
Translations: Turkish
Translator who's always excited about texts, parrots, video games and fishing. Currently a candidate for professional tourism guidance. Need something to be translated? Hit me up!

Deniz Ece Mega
Istanbul, Turkey
Translations: Turkish
Translator who is interested in Psychology, The Moon, music and memes. Has been studying English language and literature for further academic career. It'd be my pleasure to assist.
Our team
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Bot for Education
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