Adding bot to the Telegram group

Adding our bots to your group is a really easy task and we have a guide for you to get you started in less than a minute.
Please take your time to read ALL of the instructions below, and make sure you understand everything before you start.


You will not be able to log in to the panel before adding bot to your group.
Why? Because bot detects your group and you as administrator and assigns you the unique identifier in our system to make sure its only you who can access the bot management panel.

  • Create a Telegram Group - you will be an administrator and owner of this group. Remember that bot does not work on channels.
  • Add one of our bots to the group. There is no difference between them except of the names. You can pick whichever you’d like.

Available public bots are:

Bot name Bot handle Direct link @TGBotAppBot bot
LittleGuardian @LittleGuardianBot LittleGuardian bot
Pandati @PandatiBot Pandati bot


Please be careful when chosing the bots as scammers have created bots with similar names. To make sure you use correct bot which is managed by us - copy and paste its username or use the link provided.

  • Make bot an administrator of the group and give it appropriate rights. You can read more in the How to add bot to my group section of learning centre.
    If you will not make bot an administrator or give it insufficient rights, bot will warn you few times and leave the group.
  • Send at least one message to the group to make sure bot detects any traffic and recognises you both as an user and group administrator.
  • Now you should be able to log in to your group management panel using the button in the upper right corner of our website.
  • If you have any additional questions - check out our Learning Centre or contact the support group.

Things to remember

  • You can add bot to as many groups as you’d like. There’s no limit.
  • There’s no limit to messages processed in the group. We have tested our bots with up to 10000 messages per second and they worked flawlessly.
  • After adding the bot to your group bot will not take any actions until you activate them in settings section of your group administration panel.


Bot does NOT check messages or issue punishments to group owners or admins.
If you think that people you made administrators should be punished - you should not make them administrators in the first place.

  • If you decided to ignore our warning above and add bot to the “test group” - bot will detect it and respond with warning message. Because you are the group administrator, bot will also ignore your attempts to “test” it.
  • If you will add more than one bot to the group - you are asking for trouble and confusion, but you can do it as you please.
  • If you remove bot from your group - it will disappear from the list of bots in the group administration panel after few days, giving you time to add it back without losing settings.
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